Arizona Students Still Missing Too Much School 

New report from Helios Education Foundation and WestEd reveals nearly one-third of elementary and junior high students remain chronically absent 

PHOENIX, AZ - The new research reveals that 29% of Arizona public school students in grades 1-8 were chronically absent during the 2022-23 school year, missing 10% or more of the school year under the current state definition. While this is a decline from the peak of 34% in 2021-22, it is still more than double the pre-pandemic rates. These findings underscore ongoing challenges for schools in re-engaging students and families.  

“Missing too much school has dire implications for individual students and Arizona’s broader educational goals,” said Paul J. Luna, President and CEO of Helios Education Foundation. “We cannot afford to ignore the data. It demands immediate and bold action to ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed.”

Still Missing Too Much School builds on a similar report released in 2022 by providing two additional years of data and new insights into the link between chronic absence and academic performance. For instance, the new research shows 5th graders who were not proficient in English Language Arts (ELA) and math had higher chronic absence rates, and rates for these students increased more during the pandemic than they did for their peers who were proficient.

Additionally, the report reveals students who change schools mid-year—referred to as mobile students—experience some of the highest chronic absence rates. In 2022-23, the chronic absence rate among mobile 8th graders reached a staggering 55%. However, the state’s current chronic absence definition does not fully account for student mobility, complicating efforts to identify these students and provide targeted support.

“Chronic absence is not just about attendance—it’s a clear indicator of deeper systemic challenges affecting student engagement and success,” added Paul Perrault, Senior Vice President of Community Impact and Learning at Helios Education Foundation. “This research provides critical insights that inform solutions to ensure every Arizona student has the opportunity to thrive.” 

The report highlights promising practices from Arizona school districts and organizations that have effectively addressed chronic absence. It also offers actionable recommendations from the Arizona Chronic Absence Task Force for policymakers, schools, and local education agencies to address this pressing issue. 

More information on the Still Missing Too Much School report is available here